Does My Baby Need Calcium Supplements? Understanding Calcium Intake for Different Age Groups

Does My Baby Need Calcium Supplements? Understanding Calcium Intake for Different Age Groups

0-6 months

According to the World Health Organization, breast milk provides sufficient dietary calcium for infants, and formula is formulated based on breast milk as a reference. Thus, there is no need to worry about calcium deficiency in babies who are exclusively breastfed or consume breast milk normally from 0-6 months of age.

7-12 months

The recommended calcium intake for babies in this age group is 250 mg per day, a slight increase from the 0-6 month period.

Over 1 year old

For children aged 1-3 years, it is recommended to ensure a daily milk intake of 400-600 mL, and for children aged 3 and above, 300-600 mL per day. In addition, a well-balanced diet including foods such as tofu, eggs, vegetables, and meat should be emphasized.

Some parents may find it challenging to calculate their child's daily diet and wonder if direct calcium supplements are necessary. However, a well-rounded diet that includes calcium-rich foods can provide not only calcium but also other essential nutrients for your child's development and good dietary habits.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies in this age group be primarily fed with breast milk or formula, along with a balanced mix of cereals, vegetables, meat, yogurt, juice, and other supplements.

Calcium can be found in foods like yogurt, low-oxalate vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and kale, which can easily meet the calcium intake targets.

Premature babies have unique needs, and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends calcium and phosphorus supplements, as well as special supplements designed for premature babies, in addition to vitamin D supplements.

Note: It's important to consult with a healthcare professional or pediatrician before making any decisions regarding calcium supplements for your baby's specific needs.

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